It's my birthmonth. Yes, I am a January baby and I don't just celebrate my birthday (the 10th) but the whole month from the 1st to the 31st. I try to do something different each year. I'm not sure what I'd like to do this time...maybe archery. I did archery in highschool and loved it. I'd like to do it again.
My sweety wants to take me to my favourite raw restaurant. That would be nice....maybe just for dessert. The restaurant makes an awesome carrot ginger cake to die for!
I am really looking forward to 2009. In spite of the economy, civil unrest around the world and other problems that are happening, I am really thankful for living another day, for sharing more moments with my sons and the man I love. I have wonderful friends and a great family. My heart still melts when my oldest child tells me at least once a day, "Mami, sabes que te quiero?" (Mommy, do you know that I love you?) It can't get better than that.