Me (if you can see me) with Shantree and Lorenna.

I used to know John in Toronto. He now lives in a paradise in Nelson, British Columbia. I'm going to visit Nelson maybe next year. Apparently it is a raw vegan haven.

Paul Nison and me.

Natasha's husband introducing Paul Nison.

Paul got the crowd hooting and a hollering.

I like the sunflowers.

Angela speaks. Can you believe she was over 200lbs?

Me and Philip. Such a sweet guy. I was soaked and my shirt hung like a moomoo on me. Ugh!

Montreal raw food seller. Delicious pizza.

Kombucha seller from Montreal. Good stuff.

Karla (who was giving Matt a hard time), Matt Monarch and his fiancee, Angela.

The kiosks

Philip McClusky speaking. He was great.

Lalita Salas of the Ann Wigmore Institute in Puerto Rico.

Natasha Kyssa of Simply Raw (on the left) and her friend.

Angela Stokes taking shelter from the rain.
It looks like it was a small festival. It also looks like it was a lot of fun.
Did you go to the Raw Spirit Fest? That was fantastic.
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