Friday, July 25, 2008


My copy of Dr. Doug Graham's 80/10/10 diet finally came in the mail. I've read the first 2 chapters so far and it has been very interesting. I think he has really opened my eyes to my diet. This book couldn't have come at a better time.

Yesterday I had a craving for something sweet so I decided to have a slice of raw chocolate cake. It is made of walnuts, dates, raw cacao and carob, a little raw coconut butter and agave. It's blended and formed into a flat cake. I then top it off with sliced bananas and mango (sorry, no picture). I had a slice. It was delicious but then I felt terrible after. I was a bit agitated, my body felt irritable. I started to crave some comfort food. I was thinking about tofu or these Asian noodles I used to eat with oyster mushrooms. What the heck is going on? Luckily I went to the track and trained some more with my coach. During my training I couldn't stop thinking about comfort food and what I was going to eat. Once I was finished with the workout, the cravings subsided and I was craving for sweet mango and nothing else.

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